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Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı

Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı

Festschrift für Otto Kaufmann Armağanı

Tedarik süresi
11-12 iş günü
199,99 EUR
179,99 EUR
inkl. MwSt zzgl. Kargo Ücreti

İfşa-İhbar Hakkına İlişkin Avrupa Birliği Yönergesi ve Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi İçtihatları
EU Whistleblowing Directive and Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
Gülsevil Alpagut 3
Die ESC und Österreich – Beispiele einer (Teil-) Erfüllung
The European Social Chart and Austria – partly compliant, partly implemented – still work to be done
Günther Löschnigg / Nora Melzer 25
Änderungen im österreichischen Arbeitsrecht aus Anlass der COVID-19 Pandemie
im Jahr 2020
Legislation in Austrian Labour Law concerning Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020
Reinhard Resch 47
Borçlar Hukuku ve İş Hukuku Açısından Hizmet Sözleşmeleri
Labour Contract in terms of Law of Obligations and Labour Law
Devrim Ulucan 63
Condition Objective Pour Conclure un Contrat deTravail à Durée Déterminée
Objective Condition to Conclude Definite Term Employment Contract
Serkan Odaman / Eda Karaçöp 75
Legal Effects of Termination of Employment Based on the Needs of the Business under Labour Law in Turkey
Tankut Centel 99
İş Sözleşmesi Hükümlerinin Değiştirilmesi ve Geçerli Nedenle Fesih
The Amendment of Employment Contract Provisions and Termination for Valid Reason
Ali Güzel 127
Yargıtay Kararları Işığında İşyerinde Kavga Sebebiyle İş Sözleşmesinin İşverence Feshi
The Termination of Employment Contract by Employer due to the Fight at the Workplace in light of Supreme Court Decisions
Nurşen Caniklioğlu / Merve Akkaya 163
Eine Lehre aus der italienischen Reform des Gesetzes über ungerechtfertigte Kündigungen: es reicht nicht aus, ein politisches Ziel zu formulieren, sondern man muss auch wissen, wie man es in rechtliche Begriffe übersetzt
A Lesson from the Italian Unfair Dismissal Reform: It is not Enough to Formulate a Political Goal, you also have to Know how to Translate it into Legal Terms
Luca Nogler 205
Türk ve Alman İş Hukukunda Home Office Düzenlemeleri: Covid-19 Pandemi Döneminde Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk Boyutunda Genel Bir Değerlendirme
Home Office Regulations in Turkish and German Labour Law: A General Assessment in the Perspective of Comparative Law during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Alpay Hekimler 215
Türk Çalışma Yaşamında Pandemi Sürecinde Uzaktan/Evden Çalışma ve
Olası Sonuçları
Working from Home / Remotely During Pandemic Process and Possible Consequences in Turkish Labour Life
Levent Akın 261
The United States: Forerunner in Combating Unlawful Age Discrimination
in the Workplace
Carol Daugherty Rasnic 301
Arbeitsrechtliche Aspekte der 24-Studen-Betreuung in der Schweiz
Labour Law Aspects of 24-hour care in Switzerland
Thomas Geiser 335
Obstacles to Work due to Childcare
Viktor Križan 351
Austerity Debacle on Fundamental Labour and Social Rights in Greece
Nikolaos Gavalas 363
Persönliche Schutzmittel als Neuheit im Rahmen des Arbeitsrechts
Personal Protective Equipment as the new Term of Czech Labour Law
Martin Štefko 387
Arbeitsrechtliche Stellung des Direktors im slowenischen Recht
Employment Position of Director in Slovenian Law
Darja Senčur Peček 403
Endüstri 4.0’ın Çalışma Hayatına ve İş Hukuku’na Etkileri
The Effects of Industry 4.0 on Working Life and Labour Law
Dilek Kurt 421

Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti’nde (KKTC) Sendikal Hakların Genel Değerlendirmesi
The General Framework of Union Rights in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Banu Uçkan Hekimler 439
Sendika Şubelerinin Açılması, Birleştirilmesi, Kapatılması
Founding, Merging and Termination of Trade Union Branches
Savaş Taşkent 459
Türk İş Hukukunda Yasal Grevlere Siyasal İktidarın Müdahalesi: Grev Ertelemeleri
The Intervention of Political Authority in Legal Strikes in Turkish
Labour Law: Strike Postponements
Metin Kutal 471

Methodisch geleitete Sozialrechtsvergleichung
Compare Social Law by Accurate Methods
Eberhard Eichenhofer 489
The Limits of Social Law in the face of Social Justice
Peter Herrmann 511
Les services sociaux d’intérêt général dans une Europe post-Covid 19
Social Services of General Interest in a post-Covid-19 Europe
Sylvie Hennion 531
Ücretsiz Çalışanların Hukuki Konumu İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku Bakımından
Bir Değerlendirme
Legal Position of Unpaid Workers an Evaluation in terms of Labour and Social Security Law
Ali Nazım Sözer / Pelin Tuaç Yılmaz 547
Der Grundsatz der Sachverhaltsgleichstellung in einem deutsch/französischen Fall
The Principle of Equal Treatment of Facts in a German/French Case
Beatrix Karl 619
Mindestrente in Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich
Minimum Retirement Pension in Germany and France - a comparison
Hans-Joachim Reinhard 629
Social security in the Platform Economy: The French Example – New actors, new regulations, old problems?
Francis Kessler 649
Les enquêtes administratives diligentées par les caisses de sécurité sociale en France
Administrative Investigations Carried out by Social Security Organizations in France
Thierry Tauran 675
Aufklärungspflicht deutscher Sozialleistungsträger im Ausland
Obligation of German Social Security Institutions to Provide Information Abroad
Peter Trenk-Hinterberger 693
Innerbetrieblicher Schadensausgleich - Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Arbeitnehmerhaftung und Sozialversicherungsrecht bei arbeitnehmerseitig verursachten Sach- und Personenschäden
Internal Compensation for Damages - The Tension between Employee Liability and Social Security Law in the Case of Property Damage and Personal Injury Caused by Employees
Gerhard Ring 711
Die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zum Grundrecht auf Gewährleistung eines menschenwürdigen Existenzminimums - erste Konturen eines sozialen Grundrechts
The Case Law of the Federal Constitutional Court on the Fundamental Right to be Guaranteed a Minimum Subsistence Level in Human Dignity - First Contours of a Fundamental Social Right
Ute Kötter 751
Familienleistungen bei Migration in der EU: Zugangsbeschränkungen zwischen Kostenkontrolle, Missbrauchsbekämpfung und Gleichbehandlungsversprechen
Family Benefits in the Event of Migration in the EU: Access Restrictions between Cost Containment, Combating Abuse and Promises of Equal Treatment
Eva Maria Hohnerlein 775
Die dänische Volksrente und ihre Lebenszeitindexierung – eine Skizze
The Danish State Pension and its Lifetime Indexation – an Outline
Line Olsen-Ring 803
Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende: Der Leistungsausschluss von Ausländern
in der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs
Basic Support for Job Seekers: The Exclusion of Benefits of Foreigners in
the Jurisdiction of the ECJ
Yasemin Körtek 825
Neueste Entwicklungen in der Arbeitslosenversicherung der VR China
New Developments in Unemployment Insurance in the PRC
Barbara Darimont 849
Guidelines on the Portability of Social Security Benefits in the Sadc Region: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities
Letlhokwa George Mpedi 871
An Overview on the Current Applicability of the Agreement Concerning the Social Security of Rhine Boatmen
Jesús Martínez Girón / Alberto Arufe Varela 889

Rechtstransfer: Begriffe, Kontexte und Deutungen - Ein kartographischer
Transfer of Law: Concepts, Contexts, and Interpretations - A Cartographic Essay
Alexander Graser 897
Europäische Sprachenvielfalt und Rechtssicherheit – Gedanken zur Notwendigkeit eines guten Wörterbuchs
European Linguistic Diversity and Legal Certainty – Thoughts on the Need for a Good Dictionary
Sven Kaufmann 925
Orta Çağ’ın Korkunç Mahkemeleri
The Terrible Courts of the Middle Ages
Aziz Can Tuncay 939
Almanya Fransa İlişkilerinde İtici Bir Güç: Aachen Sözleşmesi
A Driving Force in German-French Relations: Aachen Convention
Oktay Hekimler 959


Dil: Türkçe
ISBN: 9786053159209
Sayfa Sayısı: 1068
Boyutları: 16 x 24 cm
Basım Tarihi: 2021 - Haziran
Konu: Türkçe Kitap - Eğitim - Hukuki Kitaplar

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