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Double Cream Silivri! (Ciltli)

Double Cream Silivri! (Ciltli)
Gebundenes Buch

Double Cream Silivri! (Ciltli)

Turkey’s Yogurts
2-3 Werktage
153,99 EUR
136,99 EUR
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Silivri fire yogurt, Kanlýca yogurt, Trabzon külek yogurt, Bolu keþ, Kilis Yörük yogurt, Tatar pine cone yogurt, Denizli scorched yogurt, Burdur sack yogurt, Beþikdüzü yoðurt kesmesi, Sivas peskütan, Kars creamy kurut, Hatay salt yogurt, Gesi dorak yogurt, Muðla kýrktokmak...

Double Cream Silivri! – Turkey’s Yogurts charts the journey and evolution of Turkey’s national food from antiquity through to modern times: yoðurt is made and consumed the length and breadth of the land from Edirne to Batman, Eskiþehir and Gaziantep; at times an accompaniment enhancing a dish, at others, a medication curing illnesses, a soup filling stomachs or a cool, refreshing drink.

Artun Ünsal and photographer Cemal Emden have travelled across Turkey to observe and photograph how these yogurts are made in many cities, towns and villages. Couple Emden’s wonderful photographs with Ünsal’s distinctive, cordial account of facts, stories and quoted memories, the result of a vast research into hundreds of sources, and Double Cream Silivri! – Turkey’s Yogurts greets us as a book deserving the pride of place in any bibliophile’s bookcase, and not only those of yogurt lovers, food enthusiasts or cultural historians.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9789750851742
Seiten: 392
Größe: 22,3 x 28,1 cm
VÖ-Datum: 2022 - Ocak
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Kochen & Backen

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