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International Research in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences XIII

International Research in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences XIII

International Research in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences XIII

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14,99 EUR
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Social sciences and social scientists have great responsibilities in the development of
society and country. As it is known, many phenomena such as reflections of socio-
cultural life, human relations, political, legal and economic variables are within the
scope of social and human sciences. There are many academic disciplines under the
umbrella of social sciences such as international relations, geography, history, law,
philosophy, educational sciences, psychology, theology, sociology, linguistics,
archeology, political science, musicology, business, tourism. In this context,
multidisciplinary scientific studies in these fields are very important and valuable in
terms of understanding the present and shedding light on the future.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9786256408951
Seiten: 136
Größe: 16,5 x 24,0 cm
VÖ-Datum: 2023 - Haziran
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Soziologie - Diðer Sosyoloji Kitaplarý

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