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Workers, Peasants and Economic Change in the Ottoman Empire 1730-1914

Workers, Peasants and Economic Change in the Ottoman Empire 1730-1914

Workers, Peasants and Economic Change in the Ottoman Empire 1730-1914

Analecta VI
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I am deligted to offer this volume of my articles and papers -all of which were published or presented previously - as the fifth contribution to a series sponsored by the Isis Press. The intent of the series is to make available scholarly contributions that have appeared in eidely scattered and often-quite-inaccessible formats. These five volumes summarize the international development of Ottoman historical studies and trace the intellectual evolution of the first numerically-large group of Ottoman specialists, one that emerged in the post- 1970 period.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9789754280548
Seiten: 203
Größe: 13,5 x 19,5 cm
VÖ-Datum: / 2010 - Aralýk
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Geschichte

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