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Foto Sabah İngilizce

Foto Sabah İngilizce

Foto Sabah İngilizce

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Engin Özendes, through her book Photography in the Ottoman Empire 1839 - 1919 published in 1987, for the first time in the history of world photography has brought to light Sebah & Joaillier, which is the most significant representative of orientalism in photography.

Tracing after Sebah & Joaillier while she was preparing the book Abdullah Freres: Ottoman Court Photographers that we published in 1998, Engin Özendes was able to prepare this new book in the light of purely new findings and documents that emerged as a result of researches she began five years ago.

From Sebah & Joaillier to Foto Sabah: Orientalism in Photography is a completed book which does not miss a simple detail, a profound source on Sebah & Joaillier which has been influential for about a century in the history of both Ottoman and world photography.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9789750800573
Seiten: 278
Größe: 22,5 x 28,5 cm
VÖ-Datum: 2000
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Erziehung - Dil Öðrenimi - Ýngilizce

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