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Oud Exercises and Etudes

Oud Exercises and Etudes

Oud Exercises and Etudes

8-9 Werktage
171,99 EUR
166,99 EUR
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In addition to the method training, the Oud Exercises and Etudes book includes exercises that support, develop, reinforce and accelerate this training. Thus, it is aimed to increase the student's dominance over the instrument. The exercises composed for this purpose were classified according to their subjects and discussed under seven headings: Finger Exercises, In the Position Changing Etudes, Plectrum Exercises And Etudes, Octave Exercises and Etudes, In Arpege Etudes, Nuance Exercises And Etudes, Various Techniques and Ornaments etc?
Many etudes and exercises composed with the rich makams and usûls of Turkish music are also included in this book.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9786256489240
Seiten: 176
Größe: 21,0 x 29,7 cm
VÖ-Datum: 2023 - Ağustos
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Musik - Müzik - Diðer

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