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Oud Method

Oud Method
8-9 Werktage
257,99 EUR
252,99 EUR
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On the one hand, the oud became the popular instrument of European orchestras, and on the other hand, it was called the "queen of instruments" in Asia and the Middle East.
With this Oud Method, it is aimed to teach the oud methodically. The other aims are to convey the Turkish music style with a correct technique and theoretical knowledge, to train good performers and to provide the standard in oud teaching. The Oud Method is thought to be a resource for music education institutions, Conservatory students, music teachers and people who love music and want to work on this subject. Information about the oud, physical properties of the oud, posture, sitting and holding features, position on the oud, the notes on the oud fretboard, plectrum exercises on open strings are given. The basic positions in the oud, the main and side columns, the use of positions according to the makams are explained with various etudes and works. The oud method is enriched with photographs and drawings. The sound recordings of many etudes were performed by the Professor. These records are accessed with OR code.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9786256489233
Seiten: 256
Größe: 21,0 x 29,7 cm
VÖ-Datum: 2023 - Ağustos
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Musik - Müzik - Diðer

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