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One Policy Many Identities

One Policy Many Identities

One Policy Many Identities

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1. Introduction
A. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
B. Purposes of the Study
C. Assertions
D. Research Design & Methodology
2. Theoretical Review
A. Constructivism in IR Theory
B. Utility of Constructivism in Security Studies
C. Utility of Constructivist Analysis for Collective Security Formations
3. Turkey's Foreign and Security Policy
A. Introductory Remarks
B. Review of National and State Identities
C. Developments in Turkeys Foreign and Security Policy
4. Turkey and the Post-Cold War Era
A. Developments in Turkey's Foreign and Security Policy
B. Constructivist Appraisal of Turkey's Foreign and Security Policy
C. Constructivist Appraisal of Issues Relevant for Turkey's Security Identity
5. Conclusions-Bibliography-Appendices
A. List of Turkish State Personalities interviewed
B. Main Questions asked to the State Personalities at the interviews.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9789754283389
Seiten: 226
Größe: 13,5 x 19,5 cm
VÖ-Datum: İstanbul / 2011 - Aralýk
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Geschichte

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