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Byzantıne Monuments Of Istanbul

Byzantıne Monuments Of Istanbul
Gebundenes Buch

Byzantıne Monuments Of Istanbul

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We are most grateful to Selcuk Altun and theYapı Kredı Bank for making a generous grant toward the cost of illustrating this book. "We thank the German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul, particularly Dr. Axel Filges and Nurhan Ozgenler, for allowing us to use photographs from their archives, and we also thank Tahsin Aydoğmus, and Anthony E. Baker for supplying the other photographs used as illustrations. In addition, we wish to thank Emin Saatci for the invaluable assistance he provided in arranging for our photographic work and Tansel Kaya and Sinan Ozay for their help in computer graphics.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 3000050100059
Seiten: 322
Größe: 14,0 x 20,0 cm
VÖ-Datum: İstanbul /
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher -

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