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Taman' ()

Taman' ()
8-9 Werktage
7,99 EUR
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Taman' is the first chapter of 'Geroy Nashego Vremeny' by Lermontov. Pechorin is the main character of the book. He is an adventurer. He comes to Taman' late one night. After a long search and not having found a place to stay, a soldier brings Pechorin to a little house on the sea shore. In the house lives an old woman with a blind boy and a beautiful daughter. Pechorin's hunting instinct ruins the destinies of the family in the house.

Sprache: Russisch
ISBN: 9788723904652
Seiten: 80
Größe: 11,5 x 19,0 cm
VÖ-Datum: Ankara / 1997
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Erziehung

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