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Fountains In The Ottoman Capital İstanbul

Fountains In The Ottoman Capital İstanbul

Fountains In The Ottoman Capital İstanbul

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This latest study aims to complement its predecessors by encompassing all the fountains built in the Ottoman Empire´s last capital between the fifteenth and twenthieth centuries, presented in chronological order, in the framework of a consistent typological analysis, and accompanied by photographs, drawings and other available visual documentation. The authors examine changes in style in Ottoman architecture over these five centuries in the context of fountains, so contributing not only to literature specifically on the subject of fountains, but also to the evolution of the Ottoman architectural identity, thereby filling an serious gap in literature on the subject.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9757438855
Seiten: 216
Größe: 0,0 cm
VÖ-Datum: 2000
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Tourismus & Reisen - Ýstanbul Kitaplarý

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