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Writing Tutor 2B Paragraph Writing

Writing Tutor 2B  Paragraph Writing

Writing Tutor 2B Paragraph Writing

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Writing Tutor is a three-level series designed for high-beginner to intermediate level students. The content of Writing Tutor covers a wide range of content-based topics and language material over twelve units per level.

Writing Tutor is designed to encourage the student to move from producing solid sentences to complete essays over the series. Clear guidance is given at every stage to ensure clear output goals. Writing Tutor provides valuable preparation for academic writing situations that students are going to face at school and college. Writing Tutor is perfectly placed to meet the requirements of English-only environments.
Full-color illustrations and photographs
Clear, easy-to-use step-by-step instructions for every task
Extensive writing-oriented activity practice on a variety of genres
Modeled examples providing maximum support in promoting independent writing
Downloadable audio recordings, answer keys, and teaching tips

Unit Structure
Part 1 (Writing Form):
- Practice the key words of the sample paragraphs and the key sentence structure
- Understand different types of writing and the writing process
Part 2 (Prewriting):
- Practice the key words in the students writing and the key sentence structure
- Make an outline with guided writing
Part 3 (Drafting):
- Practice using linking words to connect ideas
- Learn how to develop the outline into the 1st draft
- Complete the 1st draft with a guide
Part 4 (Revising & Proofreading):
- Revise the 1st draft
- Proofread the 2nd draft using the checklist
- Review the key sentence structure
- Evaluate the final draft

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9781599665528
Seiten: 120
Größe: 21,5 x 27,5 cm
VÖ-Datum: 2011 - Eylül
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Erziehung - Dil Öðrenimi - Diðer Diller

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