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Constantinople and the Orientalists

Constantinople and the Orientalists

Constantinople and the Orientalists

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Semra Germaner and Zeynep İnankur are both professor of art history at Mimar Sinan University in İstanbul. They are the co-authors of another book, Orientalism and Turkey which was published in 1989. Dr. Germaner has three other books -in Turkish- Façade Decoration in Late Ottoman Architecture, 18th Century European Painting and Art Since 1960. Dr. İnankur is the author of 19th Century Painting and Sculpture (in Turkish).

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9754583269
Seiten: 330
Größe: 23 x 29 cm.
VÖ-Datum: İstanbul / 2002 - Haziran
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher

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