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Anatolian Images

Anatolian Images

Anatolian Images

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History, archaeology, travel and shopping tips, personal memoirs for fifteen years, in late 1980s and 1990s, Toni M. Cross contributed a weekly column on life in Turkey to the newsletter, Ankara Scene. This book presents 59 of her articles, illustrated in the manner of the originals, to share with a larger public her unique voice, her marvelous writing, and her great love of Turkey. Archaeologist Toni M. Cross directed the Ankara branch of the American Research Institute in Turkey from 1979-2002. Charles Gates is senior lecturer of archaeology and art history at Bilkent University, Patricia W. Ülkü, an educator
at the DoDDS George C. Marshall School in Ankara, 1967-2000, and Ben Claasz Coockson, a free-lance illustrator and author.
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This book is a fitting tribute from her close friends to Toni Cross, whose humane, warm, and witty personality is reflected through her life-long engagement with the culture and people of Anatolia and modern Turkey. Toni had the precious gift of toning down hard facts of erudition with penetrating and laughing eyes, making them accessible to all she came into contact with, whether amateurs, young students, or esteemed scholars. Her natural curiosity and love to share opened new windows for many.
Suna Güven, Professor of Architectural History, Middle East Technical University

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9786054326778
Seiten: 368
Größe: 21,5 x 30,5 cm
VÖ-Datum: İstanbul / 2013 - Ekim
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Geschichte - Arkeoloji

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