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The History In Our Seas

The History In Our Seas
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The History In Our Seas

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The soils of Anatolia contain innemerable and invaluable treasures of human history; under the deep seas that surround this magnificent peninsula, lie similar treasures that wait to shed light upon the dark parts of that history. Underwater archeology strives to bring these treasures out into the daylight.
In The History In Our Seas, Captain Tufan Turanlı tells of the exciting adventure of the research carried out in the seas of Turkey. This is a fabulous journey, starting with the discovery of the Uluburun wreck (1300 BC), the oldest shipwreck known.
This lavishly illustrated book is a "must-read" for underwater archeologists, and for everyone interested in the history of mankind.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9789750800559
Seiten: 175
Größe: 24,0 x 34,0 cm
VÖ-Datum: 2000
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Geschichte - Arkeoloji

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