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An Unprecedented Communal Rite in the Court Of Nur Baba

An Unprecedented Communal Rite in the Court Of Nur Baba

An Unprecedented Communal Rite in the Court Of Nur Baba

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The room we entered was filled with the evening sun. It was almost bare with white floors; each of the open windows had a different view; the room contained no substantial furniture except for two large cushions for the guest of honors, and a few straw chairs; the sheik's three layered cushion - mattress decorated with several silk cushions is somewhat more meticulous.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9753315384
Seiten: 39
Größe: 11,5 x 16 cm.
VÖ-Datum: Ýstanbul / 2004 - Mayýs
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher

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