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Hitchhiking to Paradise

Hitchhiking to Paradise

Hitchhiking to Paradise

8-9 Werktage
39,99 EUR
38,99 EUR
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Adem Ozkose
Conversion into Islam draws a profound human experience by embodying the highest peak. for a person, asking "who am I" and "where am I going" can evaluate to choose to be a Muslim.

A set of interviews in this book briefs this happing. Geographies, backgrounds are different but devotion for truth and overcoming imposed obstacles one by one appear the common denominator. Life stories reflect these delicate sentiments, challenges and joy of finally arriving at their destination

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9781739384104
Seiten: 216
Größe: 13,5 x 21,0 cm
VÖ-Datum: 2023 - Ekim
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Islam - Çaðdaþ Ýslam Düþüncesi

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