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The Critique Of Pure Reason

The Critique Of Pure Reason

The Critique Of Pure Reason

8-9 Werktage
16,99 EUR
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I call all representations pure, in the transcendental meaning of the word, wherein nothing is met with that belongs to sensation. And accordingly we find existing in the mind à priori, the pure form of sensuous intuitions in general, in which all the manifold content of the phenomenal world is arranged and viewed under certain relations. This pure form of sensibility I shall call pure intuition.

Sprache: Türkisch
ISBN: 9786257445641
Seiten: 560
Größe: 13,5 x 21,0 cm
VÖ-Datum: 2021 - Temmuz
Kategorie: Türkische Bücher - Philosophie - Araþtýrma - Ýnceleme

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